The Secret Heart: A Sculpture of Love and Joy

The Secret Heart is a contemporary sculpture that beautifully depicts the essence of love and joy. The heart is made of brass and is in the shape of a human heart, which symbolizes pure love. The heart is surrounded by gardenia flowers, which represent the secret love between two people and also joy. The Secret Heart is more than just a sculpture; it's a symbol of love and hope. It reminds us that love can be found in unexpected places, and that it can bring joy and happiness to our lives. It's a reminder to cherish the people we love and to always hold them close to our hearts. The gardenia flowers that surround the heart represent the secret love that exists between two people. This love is often hidden from the world, but it's just as powerful as any other form of love. The gardenia flowers also symbolize joy, which is an important part of any relationship. When we're with the people we love, we feel a sense of joy and happiness that fills our hearts. Dimensions: 23cm x 20cm x 15cm Materials: Brass | Copper

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